Project Simple house made home | Steps and Rules

I love spontaneity and letting things flow, but I hardly get anything done without actually taking the time to sit down and make a written plan. If I don't, ideas will just add up in my brain, with little to none practical effect.

So, I decided to plan how I will transform my house into a home and document it here. It won't be a dramatic change, and I can't promise great before and after pictures, just an honest and down to earth process which hopefully will be helpful to me and maybe to others.  

I'll start by defining the steps and rules for this project:


  1. Define a VISION - Where do you want to be in the end of the project 
  2. Perform an Environmental Scan - Access your starting point 
  3. Define your goals and strategy
  4. Take action, readjust whenever needed
  5. Enjoy!
  1. Consider the needs of all residents
  2. Value what I already own
  3. Think about our planet and our future
  4. Trust my gut


  1. Olá! Também planeio bem os Projetos que tenho em mente para simplificar a casa e não só...simplificar os produtos de limpeza, simplificar os produtos de beleza, simplificar as compras, etc...Tenho mesmo necessidade de colocar tudo em papel, senão esta cabeça não descansa! Vou estar aqui a ver o progresso do teu projeto :)
    Beijinhos grandes!

    1. Olá! É bom saber que alguem está aí do outro lado, e é também uma forma de me motivar a publicar! Obrigada, beijinhos!


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