Owning our our happiness

Last year, I read an advice on relationships that resonated deeply with me:
It’s important to remember that each partner is responsible for their own happiness. You can’t rely on the other one to always entertain you.
Being very fond of the stoics ideals, I try to keep in mind that it is entirely my responsibility how I react to others sayings or doings but somehow I missed this point when it comes to my most significant one.

I tend to forget that it isn't his job to make me happy, it's my job to make me happy, so this year, I will be celebrating Valentines by re-reading and sharing this wonderful piece about a happy relationship and working on making myself happy, with the certainty that our relationship can only benefit from it.

Happy Valentines, if you celebrate it!


  1. Anonymous14.2.18

    How odd, I actually managed to post a comment yesterday and now it's gone!

    I try to do this too with all the people in my life... not always easy but it brings a lot of freedom. And just think Cristiana, your son will witness this and learn from you... :-)

    1. I Know, Lotta! Don't know what's going on here...
      And freedom, yes. we have a lot more than we think we do but you're right it isn't always easy.
      Love the thought of JP learning that from me.

    2. PS: I may have solved the comment issue, Lotta. Apparently, Blogger has a new filtering and was considering you spam, how inconsiderate of him. I've told him right now, hope it has learned his lesson...

  2. Anonymous15.2.18

    Ah! That explains it! Thanks for putting blogger in his place! I've also had trouble leaving comments on Lucille's blog... I wonder if it is the same issue...

    1. It might be, as I think it's a new addiction from blogger, and the solution is quite simple: all Lucille needs to do is to go to the comments folder on the blogger page, to a subfolder named spam. If the comments are there, select and marking them as being legit or no spam (option appears at top) should work.

    2. Anonymous17.2.18

      Thanks :-)


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