Christmas Spirit



I was wondering when Christmas spirit would kick in this year. Last Saturday morning, my boy was trying to sing Jingle bells, as with everything he does I was finding it quite amusing. I decided to look for our Christmas CD and we started dancing and singing Christmas carols, and from here to a big tree full of balls and ornaments that we put up together, was a blink of an eye!

I can´t express how much I love when this happens! I had the idea of putting up our christmas tree, but wasn't that shure if it would happen this weekend. My major priority was to recover from a nasty cold and get plenty of rest. I really love when life just happens the way it was intended to, without any to do lists! (nothing against them, I live on to do lists and without them I doubt I could get things done, but it is so good when things just flow...) As paradoxical as this may seem, I look for order in my life, so that I can make space (mental space and time) for life to happen naturally, and when it happens, well, it's magical!

So, it´s oficial, I'm in Christmas mode, and I'm loving it!

Christmas spirit means something different for everyone, for me it means holidays, family gatherings, delicious food on the table, freezing cold outside (snow, if we're lucky) and a warm house smelling like cinnamon, playing late games at night around the fireplace waiting for santa, and the presents!

Yes, the presents!I can't lie to you, I love Christmas presents. I note that more and more people are trying to live a more meaningful Christmas, without presents and I totally get it and appreciate it. But I honestly rarely buy gifts for anyone, rather than Christmas and their birthdays. I'm just not a buying things type of person. I do give things during the year, usually something hand made (from my sewing attempt this last year), but I never go out and buy something with no reason. I know that Christmas is not about the presents, but the presents are and will be a part of my Christmas traditions, and I'm not ashame of that or trying to change it at all.

I think it isn't the presents that make Christmas a nonsense consumerist season, but it's much the lack of the other things Christmas mean.

And you, what does Christmas Spirit means to you and what do you do to enjoy it?


  1. Eu também adora as minhas listas mas sabe muito bem quando deixamos a vida acontecer naturalmente :) Em relação aos presentes de natal, eu gosto principalmente de dar, mas sem exageros! Dou às pessoas que são realmente muito importantes para mim. E o Natal para mim é estar com a família, o cheiro das filhoses da minha mãe, o belo do bacalhau que aqui em França não há, as conversas que temos pela noite fora à espera do pai Natal...Bem é melhor parar de escrever senão deixo aqui um comentário muito grande!

    Desejo-te um feliz natal com todas as coisas que gostas :)

    1. Não há comentários muito grandes - Tudo o que quiseres partilhar é bem-vindo e recebido com muita estima! Gostei da tua descrição do Natal :) e da menção ao bacalhau! Durante 12 anos fui vegetariana, com excepção do bacalhau cozido na consoada e a roupa velha do almoço de Natal, por isso para mim, Natal também é sinonimo de bacalhau!
      Desejo-te também um feliz natal, que tudo corra bem na viagem e que aproveites calmamente todos os minutos no teu país e junto dos teus! Beijinho!


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